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 Demographic clash !

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Demographic clash ! Empty
MessageSujet: Demographic clash !   Demographic clash ! EmptySam 5 Mar - 13:47

Citation :
Earth crowded now? Wait ’til 2050

The world’s population will increase by 40 percent to 9.1 billion in 2050 but virtually all the growth will be in the developing world, especially in the 50 poorest countries, the U.N. Population Division said.

The division’s revision Thursday of earlier estimates said the population in less developed countries is expected to swell from 5.3 billion today to 7.8 billion in 2050. By contrast, the population of richer developed countries will remain mostly unchanged, at 1.2 billion.

The United States is projected to be the major net recipient of international migrants, 1.1 million annually, with its population increasing from 298 million in 2005 to 394 million in 2050, the report said.
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Demographic clash ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Demographic clash !   Demographic clash ! EmptyLun 28 Mar - 17:04

Fortunately the european citizens can feed Africa Rolling Eyes
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