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 Abrahamic clash, an iranian point of view

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Abrahamic clash, an iranian point of view Empty
MessageSujet: Abrahamic clash, an iranian point of view   Abrahamic clash, an iranian point of view EmptySam 12 Fév - 13:35

Citation :
The Political Theology of Unreason: The Abrahamic Clash of Civilisations- 03 November 2004

The re-election of George W. Bush in the United States has confirmed everyone's suspicions that the positive secular humanism of America's Founding Fathers has been fully abandoned by the majority of that nation's populace, and that the world is slowly being sharply divided into three camps: the Judeo-Christians to the West, the Islamic world to the East, with everyone else being caught between these two hopelessly violent factions.

What is most amazing is that the American people, and the Western world in general, in this day and age, have once again fallen for the lies of the Christian and Jewish religious fundamentalists. While many would like to believe that Europe would never fall for such delusions, the fact that Christian and Catholic fundamentalists are once again making massive gains on that continent disprove such illusions.

The Arab world, already impossibly overwhelmed by the violent onslaught of religious extremism, will only fall further down the spiral, fueling the fire of Arab terrorism against the rest of the world.

As Iranians, it is more important than ever for us to increase our struggle against the Khomeinist regime, and withdraw ourselves from this conflict between the Judeo-Christians and the Islamic world. Let us leave the insanity of Abraham's brutal legacy for the Western world - North America, Europe, the Arab states, and Israel. What those in the West all have in common is their ludicrous belief that they each speak for God - is there anyone more dangerous than the man who hears voices, and governs an entire nation based upon these delusions?

Iran, being neither East nor West, has survived for over six thousand glorious years, all due to the fierce determination and valiant strength of her sacred Aryan people. Despite the oppression of the Khomeinist regime, the Ayatollahs have failed miserably in their attempts to destroy our great nation and society. It is imperative that we overthrow this regime as soon as possible, to ensure that the Judeo-Christian-Islamic Wars stay far away from us. Once we are rid of the Ayatollahs, the sickness of these three religions and their respective nations will never again touch our soil. Otherwise the Ayatollahs will drag us into this conflict that has absolutely nothing to do with us.

May the Eternal Light of Cyrus the Great, Zarathustra and all our illustrious ancestors shine brightly upon Iran forever, the Great Land of the Aryans - first, and last, and always.
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