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MessageSujet: European High Tech Economy   European High Tech Economy EmptyLun 7 Fév - 12:39

The Mobile Gambling Summit

London on 27-28 January 2005

The IGC is endorsing this conference and bonafide members are given a 10% discount when registering.

The Mobile Gambling Summit ‘05 gives you the latest hard-hitting case studies and interactive sessions with mobile gambling industry leaders such as, Vodafone, O2, Orange, William Hill, Betfair, Betdaq, Nokia, Sony Ericsson. Furthermore, discover the latest business critical issues facing your business with in-depth analysis from the DCMS, Gamcare, Gamsure, Mobile Data Association and host of market leading mobile gambling professionals.

The Mobile Gambling Summit ’05 topics and debates include:

• Case study analysis of operator Mobile Gambling projects

• Interactive debate on Mobile Gambling strategies

• Payment and Billing Systems

• Social Responsibility and Age Verification

• Handset Development

• Building Relationships and Retaining profitable customers

The program focuses on the key issues that matter most to your business.

Case studies, exhibitions, interactive debate, networking opportunities…all with one clear aim…to build and operate a Mobile Gambling business that’ll deliver real profits…fast!

Quite simply, this is the event you’ve been waiting for. So will your business hit the jackpot in the Mobile Gambling bonanza that is beginning to sweep Europe? This Summit tips the odds heavily in your favour – so reserve your place today!

How to build and operate a Mobile Gambling business that'll deliver real
Join us in London from January 27 - 28, 2005 for hard-hitting case studies and interactive sessions with mobile gambling industry market leaders.
Make sure your business benefits from an in-depth focus on your marketplace and discover the answers to the most important questions in the industry such as payment and billing systems, age verification, customer acquisition, handset development and what the major players in this space are doing ... now!

Hard hitting case studies and interactive sessions with mobile gambling industry leaders
Confirmed speakers and case studies from Vodafone, O2, Orange, William Hill, Betfair, Betdaq, Nokia, Sony Ericsson, and many more ... click here for a full list of the sensational speaker panel including expert industry analysts from Juniper, ARC, Schema, Olswang, MDA ... innovative content, software and payment providers such as Mfuse, Chartwell Games, Bango, Boss Media and Contopronto and insightful mobile regulatory bodies - AGCC, DCMS, Gamcare and Gamsure.
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