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 The real face of Michael Moore

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4 participants

Masculin Nombre de messages : 18530
Localisation : Europe-Nation

The real face of Michael Moore Empty
MessageSujet: The real face of Michael Moore   The real face of Michael Moore EmptyDim 2 Jan - 17:21

Mike Moore a écrit:
88% of Bush’s support came from white voters. In 50 years, America will no longer have a white majority. Hey, 50 years isn’t such a long time! If you’re ten years old and reading this, your golden years will be truly golden and you will be well cared for in your old age.
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Nombre de messages : 531

The real face of Michael Moore Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The real face of Michael Moore   The real face of Michael Moore EmptyDim 2 Jan - 18:07

Is it michael moore who has written this ?
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 18530
Localisation : Europe-Nation

The real face of Michael Moore Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The real face of Michael Moore   The real face of Michael Moore EmptyDim 2 Jan - 18:25

Absolutely. That is the author of this text. He is happy about the idea of a mostly non-european America.
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The real face of Michael Moore Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The real face of Michael Moore   The real face of Michael Moore EmptySam 15 Jan - 2:17

USA is not European. Black, White, Red, Blue, I don't care about it.
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Nombre de messages : 41
Localisation : Portugal

The real face of Michael Moore Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The real face of Michael Moore   The real face of Michael Moore EmptyMar 13 Sep - 1:42

That's not a surprise. Usually, the anti-Bush fanatics are leftists and anti-racists.

And why?

For the same reason that the leftists are already starting to dislike Putin - because both Putin and Bush don't give the other cheek when a foreign folk (the beloved «other» of the leftist intellectuals) attacks their own white folk.

Leftists hate the idea of defending «us»(our folk) against «them»(foreigners). The leftist intention is to dilute all the differences by embracing and loving all the foreigners that hate us.

Yes, it is disgusting - it's nothing more than a consequence of the Christian moral, for the Left is essentially Christianity without God.
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Nombre de messages : 61
Localisation : Portugal/Europa

The real face of Michael Moore Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The real face of Michael Moore   The real face of Michael Moore EmptyMar 13 Sep - 10:59

It simply doesn't surprise me at all when it comes from Michael Moore. He a left wing asshole and plays by the lef wing agenda. They are interested in the obliteration of euro-descending people for the simple reason that racial contradictions are much more deeper between blacks and whites than social contradictions. Class war is hard to explore when you have distinct populations living and sharing the same territory, because the racial and ethnic issues will allways overlap.

As for our comrade Julius, well I have to say that I totally disagree with you. Whites in USA are euro descending people and deserve all our attention and support when it comes to a question of survival.

Faye has overstep the concept of Eurosiberia to form an wider concept called Septentrion, a trans continental alliance of euro descending people in order to assure our survival.

Back in the 1900 white people were about 47 % of world population, now we are perhaps 10 %. Think again Julius!
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The real face of Michael Moore Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The real face of Michael Moore   The real face of Michael Moore EmptyMar 13 Sep - 11:03

I prefer Pat Buchanan to Michael Moore.
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Nombre de messages : 61
Localisation : Portugal/Europa

The real face of Michael Moore Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The real face of Michael Moore   The real face of Michael Moore EmptyMar 13 Sep - 11:13

Well, I even prefer David Duke to Pat Buchanan. The real face of Michael Moore Wink
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The real face of Michael Moore Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The real face of Michael Moore   The real face of Michael Moore EmptySam 3 Déc - 21:43

David Duke is a good guy indeed. I often go to his website :
Did you notice he used to talk about the defense of "euroamerican" to describe his fight ?
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The real face of Michael Moore Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The real face of Michael Moore   The real face of Michael Moore Empty

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