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 Arrêtons l'importation d'espèces allogènes

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MessageSujet: Arrêtons l'importation d'espèces allogènes   Arrêtons l'importation d'espèces allogènes EmptyDim 16 Oct - 12:46

Citation :
New Illegal Aliens Turn Up

by Ian Mosley

Newspaper readers and Internet news fans were recently made rather queasy by a photo from the Everglades. The photo showed a 13-foot Burmese python after it apparently tried to swallow a live, six-foot alligator whole. The gator was too much for it and the snake burst open trying to ingest it, killing both animals.

How in the world did a Burmese python get loose in Florida? Apparently a large number of Americans are crazy enough to import and buy these creatures as PETS. Who gets a huge, carnivorous SNAKE for a pet? Most likely the owner had a flash of sanity as his pet became an increasingly bigger threat to his own existence. The snake was no doubt owned illegally and the owner chose the most insanely irresponsible thing to do imaginable: He let it loose, neglecting to ponder the harm such a monster might cause the environment and any people unfortunate enough to make its acquaintance.

Enough of these snakes are turning up in the Everglades that biologists believe they are starting to mate and breed in the wild. Around 150 Burmese pythons have been captured in the past two years, said Joe Wasilewski, a wildlife biologist and crocodile tracker.

“It means nothing in the Everglades is safe from pythons, a top-down predator,” said Frank Mazzotti, a University of Florida wildlife professor. There are already about half a dozen deaths per year from alligator attacks in Florida. How long before some family in a Miami suburb goes up to feed the baby and finds a 15-foot monster in the crib with a large lump in the middle?

A number of Everglades excursion groups have been treated to scenes reminiscent of a 1950s monster movie, in which a python and a gator have squared off to decide who is going to be who’s dinner. At least four such battles have been witnessed and videotaped by startled tourists. In previous incidents, the alligator won or the battle was an apparent draw.”There had been some hope that alligators can control Burmese pythons,” Mazzotti said. “This indicates to me it’s going to be an even draw. Sometimes alligators are going to win and sometimes the python will win.”

Pythons of course are just one more Third World problem America has imported. Zebra mussels from the Black Sea have reproduced by the billions in the Great Lakes. Walking “Frankenfish” from China have appeared in Maryland and are decimating our native bass and catfish. Africanized killer bees were released in Brazil and have made it to the southwest US. And now we’ve got pythons in Florida. What’s next? Black mambas? Cobras? Nile and Congo crocodiles that grow to 22 feet in length? Saharan locusts? Hyenas? Siberian tigers let loose in our forests? (There are people who keep those as pets too.) It looks like there are other illegal aliens we need to seal our borders against besides the two-legged kind. Namely, the four-legged kind. And the no-legged kind.

Arrêtons l'importation d'espèces allogènes Python_01

Un python essayant de bouffer un alligator... Arrêtons l'importation d'espèces allogènes Rolleyes
L'Etat doit interdire ce genre d'importations, même si cela doit entraver les désirs/délires de certains.
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Nombre de messages : 87
Localisation : Albi

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MessageSujet: Re: Arrêtons l'importation d'espèces allogènes   Arrêtons l'importation d'espèces allogènes EmptyMar 18 Oct - 9:11

J'ai vu un reportage il y a peu de temps sur les problèmes posés par les espèces allogènes (animales et végétales). Un scientifique disait que des études avaient été menées dans le port de New-York (je ne suis plus sûr de la ville en question, mais c'est de moindre importance). Le résultat montrait que sur 10 espèces, une seule était autochtone ! Même si ce problème est surtout visible dans les ports et les eaux avoisinantes, beaucoup d'écosystèmes sont touchés. La mondialisations ne peut qu'accentuer et accélérer le problème. Des normes drastiques doivent être prises et l'importation volontaire d'animaux très controlées et surtout sévèrement punie. Des magasins portant des noms du style " Reptil farm " ont pignon sur rues, alors que leur commerce est interdit.
La priorité est la conservation des écosystèmes, pas le commerce !
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MessageSujet: Re: Arrêtons l'importation d'espèces allogènes   Arrêtons l'importation d'espèces allogènes EmptyMar 25 Oct - 14:07

Vous avez bien raison !! l'allogénisation touche aussi bien les "humains" que les animaux ... Les imbeciles qui sont en adoration pour tout ce qui est extra-européen devraient être pendus haut et court.
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